List of indicators Economic benefits of the destination

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Indicator name


Expenditure of foreign tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands and other Autonomous Communities by period
Expenditure by foreign tourists with the Balearic Islands as their main destination, by period and Autonomous Community
Expenditure of tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period, island and country of residence (National or Foreign)
Expenditure of tourists with the Balearic Islands as their main destination by period, island and country of residence
Expenditure of tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period, island and country of residence (National or Foreign)
Expenditure of tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period, island and type of accommodation
Expenditure of foreign tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period, island and form of travel arrangement
Overnight stays of tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period and island
Overnight stays of tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period, island and country of residence (Domestic, Foreign)
Average stay of tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period and island
Average stay of tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period, island and country of residence
Tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period and island
Tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period, island and country of residence (National, Foreign)
Tourists with main destination from other Autonomous Regions of Spain per period
Tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period, island and type of travel accommodation
Tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period, island and reason for trip
Tourists with main destination the Balearic Islands by period, island and form of travel organisation
Number of tourist nights per month (distinguishing domestic and international tourists classified by main countries of residence) (ETIS) (InRouTe)   
Relative contribution of tourism to the destination economy (% GDP) (ETIS) (UNWTO)
Overnight Tourist Expenditure per Day (ETIS) (Daily expenditure per overnight tourist)   
Average length of stay for tourists (nights) (ETIS)    
Población en riesgo de pobreza relativa (ingresos < 60% mediana)       
Población en riesgo de pobreza relativa (ingresos < 60% mediana) con alquiler imputado       
Population at risk of poverty or social exclusion: AROPE indicator       
Population with severe material deprivation     
Population living in households with low work intensity     
Population with high expenditure on housing   
Annual growth rate of real GDP per capita     
Annual productivity growth rate   
Annual real GDP growth rate per person employed   
Annual real GDP growth rate per hour worked   
Manufacturing value-added per capita     
Manufacturing value added as a share of GDP     
Percentage of employed in manufacturing industry     
Manufacturing sector employment as a share of total employment     
Manufacturing sector employment as a share of total employment (hours worked)   

About the Observatory

Fundació Mallorca Turisme
Edifici de la Misericòrdia
Plaça de l'Hospital, 4
07012 Palma, Illes Balears
Tel. +34 971 21 96 48

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